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Maximize Small Home Space
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Maximize Small Home Space

Do you feel claustrophobic in your home? Here are some tips on how to make your small home feel larger:

  1. Use light colors on walls and floors to create the illusion of space.
  2. Keep furniture to a minimum and choose pieces that are multi-functional.
  3. Use glass or acrylic furniture to make a room feel less cluttered.
  4. Avoid using too many small rugs and use large area rugs instead.
  5. Use lighting to create different zones or moods in a room.
  6. Use furniture with clean lines and avoid ornate or overly intricate designs.
  7. Remove any unnecessary items from your space and keep it organized and clutter-free.
  8. Utilize vertical space with shelves and bookcases, and consider using the space under furniture for storage.
  9. Incorporate furniture that can be used for multiple purposes, such as a storage ottoman or a bed with built-in drawers.
  10. Use light and neutral colors to make a room feel larger and more open.
  11. Keep windows bare or use sheer curtains to allow natural light to flow through the space.
  12. Use furniture that is proportional to the size of the room, as oversized furniture can make a small space feel cluttered.
  13. Use area rugs to define different spaces within a room.
  14. Use lighting to create the illusion of more space, such as a floor lamp to add depth to a corner or a pendant light to draw the eye upward.
  15. Use mirrors to reflect light and visually expand a room.
  16. Incorporate plants to bring life to a room and create an inviting atmosphere.
  17. Keep the decor minimalistic, avoid overcrowding your small space with too many decorative items.


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